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Showing posts from September, 2014

Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam (Part 2)

Five Ways We Hinder the Flow of God's Work in Our Lives Mark 6 In yesterday's introduction , we found Jesus in His hometown in His home synagogue confronted by his friends and family when He begins living out His calling among them.  Because of their reaction to Him, Jesus was unable to do much in His hometown - just healing a few - before moving on to other places where His ministry would be received.   Photo by Justin Camp We too struggle with some of the same attitudes and doubts that have the potential of stopping the work of God in our lives and in our midst.  We called them dams because they hinder the flow of God's work, and we found them in the 5 scoffing questions people asked about Jesus when He tried to come home and minister.  Each question encapsulates an attitude or doubt that might keep God from doing all He could do on our behalf.   Dam 1) Where did He get these things? Jesus had just finished opening the Scriptures and speaking in the

Dam Dam Dam Dam Dam (Part 1)

Five Ways We Hinder the Flow of God's Work in Our Lives I think we can all agree that in our heads we know that God can do anything.  We've intellectually accepted that He has the right, the power and the privilege to do whatever He desires to do.  In our heads, it's a fact.  In our hearts, it's a thesis.  A working thesis, granted - one we're willing to test on occasion, but deep down we're still gathering our own bits of evidence like spiritual CSI's until we can confidently declare that God is indeed able to do anything because we've seen Him do anything.  I know this with great certainty because by "we" I mean "me".  In my head I'm 100% confident that God is able to work miracles in my life, but in my heart, I'm iffy.  Let's face it - if I were more certain in my heart of that thesis, I'd ask Him to do miracles fully knowing He could and would. Pardon my humanity in that confession. I'm certain I'm a