December 12 - Day 6
BACKGROUND: The third blessing of Hanukkah said only on the first night begins with this, "Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, Who has kept us alive..." There was a day when praising God for keeping us alive had less weight. That day was before Covid, I think. I was recently lamenting to a friend the number of people in my life who have passed recently, and how people who by normal expectations shouldn't die, but they are. I'm outliving far too many people of my own age, and I'm not that old. (Not THAT old.) It's becoming more and more astounding that God has kept us alive.
My SIL Laura. So thankful I'll see her again in Heaven. |
I've become more thankful for waking up every day because of my auto-immune disorder. One of its complications can be aneurysm. Last scanned, I'm good, but it's always a possibility. I'm also more thankful these past few years because I've outlived my sister-in-love by nearly three years. I've outlived a former co-worker by ten years. I no longer complain about birthdays or getting older - they didn't get to. Nothing is promised, and God doesn't owe me another breath.
But I still keep waking up, thank Him for returning to me my breath, and ask that He receive every breath in and out as an act of worship to Him. I'm still here. He must still have good works for me to do... sometimes I think I'm so far behind on those good works I might never die.
REFLECTION: When have you last thanked God, really thanked Him, for giving you another day - another day to love Him, serve Him, tell others about Him?
PRAY: Let your prayer tonight be simply celebrating the life you have. Play some loud music and dance around the house. Eat the fried donuts and latkes associated with Hanukkah. Throw a really good party to thank God for keeping you alive, and while you do be sure to return your breath back to Him in worship. He has kept us alive.