December 11 - Day 5
BACKGROUND: I hope this doesn't come as a shock to anyone, but I'm about to state what I hope is obvious. As a Christian, Jewish History is your history. There is no part of the Christian faith that has not passed first through the nation of Israel. The Scriptures (painfully preserved and copied), the system of sacrifices, the Messiah Himself - Christianity cannot stand alone without Judaism. We both serve and love the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob still to this very day.
The second blessing over the Hanukkah lights which you know by now on day 5 is "Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Who performed wondrous deeds for our ancestors in those ancient days at this season." Israel's history has blessed us in countless ways and the miracle of Hanukkah is just one of them.
Ponder for a moment your own ancestors' spiritual history and what God has done for them and for you through them. When my Dad was 4 years old, he was riding his tricycle on the streets of Sedan, Kansas; and for whatever reason, he stopped, looked up and said, "God Who are You? And where are You?" His life took a lot of dark turns over the next 13 years, but eventually God revealed to my Dad Who He was - His Savior - and where He was - with my Dad asking him to follow Him. I'm so thankful God pursued a curious little boy starting at the age of four and all the days of his life. My Dad loved the Lord forever after.
REFLECTION: Take a moment to rehearse in your memory all the ways God has blessed you through the people of Israel. Recall also, how God has blessed your family before you. How you are able to leave a godly heritage to your family. Be sure your family knows the wondrous deeds God has done for you.
PRAY: How can you remind your family of their Christian faith, and tell them what God's done for you? How can you bless Israel for all the ways Israel has blessed you? (Personally, I support Bridges for Peace, a non-profit worldwide relief organization based in Jerusalem. They do a fantastic work!)