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Hanukkah for Us Gentiles - Day 2

 December 8 – Day 2

Photo Cred: Project Menorah

: The account of the Maccabean revolt is found in the books of 1 & 2 Maccabees (found in the Catholic Bible which is on YouVersion Bible app, if you'd like to read it.)  Judah Maccabeus (for whom the Maccabees are name) led the revolt against the oppression of the Jewish people and in the early days of this guerrilla war, they were able to reclaim Jerusalem, cleanse the Temple, and rededicate the altar.  In lighting the Temple menorah, they could only find enough pure, uncontaminated oil for one day.  Miraculously, it lasted for eight days until more oil could be procured. This is why we celebrate the Festival of Lights for eight days.  

REFLECTION: Eight - the number of new beginnings.  How have you experienced a new beginning this year?  Did you find the grace to start over at something?  Or are you needing a fresh start?  Take this time to thank God for the cycles of beginnings - every new day has new mercies, every new season as new grace, every new year has promise.  Dedicate them to the Lord to use as He would choose.  

PRAY:  Read Psalm 30, the song of dedication of the temple and journal some thoughts on the new season you've had or need.