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Fundamental Leadership - Know Your ABC's (and Don't Miss D)

So many people overlook teaching and encouragement in the area of Leadership because they assume leadership principles are only for the top executives or wealthy one percent.  I can't understand that notion, but let me de-mystify leadership for you in one fell swoop...  good leadership starts with being an intentional and thoughtful person, and who doesn't need to be intentional and thoughtful about their life and their relationships?  Whether you lead a home business, a large corporation, or a small gaggle of little people who need diaper changes or school permission slips on occasion, the basic principles of leadership apply to everyone.  They especially apply if you simply want to lead yourself into a life you love.  (I think that about covers all of us.)  And as with anything in which you want to excel, we have to start with the basics.  These are the ABC's (and Don't Miss D) of leadership.  

A - Affirm

The underlying truth of affirming in leadership is this - what gets rewarded, gets repeated.  Look at the people in your life, identify the character quality or behavior that needs to be proliferated in your interactions and let them know you appreciate that about them.  In my workplace, I sing high praises for co-workers who never need reminded to do their job.  I thank co-workers who attend to details without micro-management.  

So who needs to be affirmed in your circle of influence?  What behavior needs to be repeated until it becomes habitual?  What co-worker stands out for all the right reasons?  Who makes your job easier instead of more complicated?  THANK THEM loudly and often!  Affirm what you want to see in your home and your organization.  

Here's the shoulder of this road - don't forget to affirm in yourself what you do right.  Even God looked at His day's work and affirmed "it's good".  Don't be so hard on yourself.  

A - Acknowledge
The backside of the A of leadership is this...  Sometimes, it's not always affirming.  We often have to acknowledge things we would rather ignore.  What part of our operations or our lives simply aren't working any longer?  What golden calf of our ministry is draining resources with little Kingdom results?  What, as the great philosopher Dr. Phil would ask, are you pretending not to know?  Acknowledge the broken down systems or patterns that no longer serve you or your organization.  

In leading yourself, I can say from experience, the simple acknowledgement of knowing the difference between what I'm capable of, what I'm good at, and what I'm gifted for can clarify what activities or chores need to be delegated and which need the love and attention for flourishment.  

There you go - you have two simple tasks this week to help lead yourself into a better life, home or organization.  Drop a comment with your affirmation or acknowledgement this week and we'll see just how common our situations are.