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Showing posts from August, 2014

Thy Kingdom vs. My Kingdom - Part Three

In case you missed them, you can catch the previous posts in this series here: Intro Part One - I Can't Get No Satisfaction Keeping Bathsheba Out of Your Bed Part 2 Long ago I worked with a guy who often said, "I need the ministry more than it needs me."  While that may seem like a very gracious way of saying that the mission is bigger than any one person, he actually meant that without having to prepare sermons he might not actually read the Bible or seek God.  I'm not throwing any stones (at least not heavy ones).  God knows I've needed the ministry too. In a recent job interview, I was asked what my biggest regret was.  (I'll be honest... I never give the right "you wanna hire me" answer.  I know this about me, so don't tell me this was the wrong answer.  Trust me - I know.)  I confessed that there were times when I had an unhealthy relationship with ministry.  That there were times when I needed to get my paycheck from a church in ord

Robin Williams, Sticker Shock and Hope

From the Instagram of @TheRobinWilliams on the set of "The Crazy Ones". "Well, that's gotta be a social media hoax," I thought when I saw tweets regarding the passing of Robin Williams.  It just didn't seem plausible.  But a quick Google search revealed the headlines no one wanted to read and from which no one could seem to turn away. And worse, he died at his own hand. It was as if the whole world sighed a teary-eyed "no"  in defiance of the story.  Social media flooded with pictures, memes, quotes, memories, memorials.  A majority of Twitter trending topics for the next 2 days were his movie titles.  The top 5 out of 6 "watching" choices on Facebook's status options were his movies rather than anything current or recent.  I personally pulled out a VHS copy of Aladdin to watch. (Yes, VHS believe it or not.)  People normally unaffected by celebrity news seemed to be affected by this.  Someone who brought such joy, who filled

I Can't Get No Satisfaction - Part Two

If you missed the Intro, you can read it here. Keeping Bathsheba Out of Your Bed Part 1 Several years ago, a friend and I took a trip to Dallas for a church conference.  We never quite figured out the "Texas Way" of marking (or not marking) highway exits, ate too much Mexican food (if too much is even possible), took in a Stars vs. RedWings game, worshiped at the Potter's House and had a great time.  The conference itself was just ok, but had memorable moments about it.  My favorite was the session when Bill Hybels spoke.  Faithful readers will recognize the name from last week's Five for Friday  the Podcast Version.  I listen weekly and the experience of hearing him in Dallas is why.   At the end of his session, the conference host joined him on stage for an impromptu Q&A.  One question in particular stood out:  If you could describe your life in a song, what song would you be and why?  Hybels looked down taken a bit off-guard but eventually looked u

Keeping Bathsheba Out of Your Bed - Part One

Daddy, Daughter & A Beautiful Day Intro Over the July 4th weekend this year, I was visited by my family.  We had the best time and spent a couple of afternoons at the beach.  It was perfect beach weather and having three adults to look after six kids under the age of ten was nearly ideal.  The waves weren't too overwhelming and the rip currents weren't too strong, but three sets of eyes stayed vigilant nonetheless. On Sunday at Canaveral Seashore, the waves were at an odd angle.  Rather than coming straight onshore, the pulled to the north.  Not a problem necessarily, except that it caused you to drift north - away from the adults, a little farther from earshot, a little farther than a rescuing hand could get to quickly.  We were constantly calling the kids back closer to us for their own safety and for our peace of mind. How easily we tend to drift in life and spirituality.  We get caught up in the waves crashing over us and before we know it we are soundly out o